Clinical Validation of EnsoSleep PPG AI Scoring
Fill out the form to get your copy of the 2024 EnsoSleep PPG White Paper. In the document, you will find:
- Clinical performance validation of EnsoSleep PPG Apnea-Hypopnea Index (eAHI) in comparison to gold-standard PSG AHI
- Clinical performance validation of EnsoSleep PPG sleep staging compared to gold-standard PSG sleep staging
- Clinical performance validation of EnsoSleep PPG’s ability to measure key sleep quality and architectural parameters used routinely in evaluation and management of sleep disorders
Simply fill out our form to download the white paper.
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Clinical Validation of EnsoSleep AI Scoring in Adult and Pediatric Patients Compared to a Prospective, Double-Blind Scoring Panel.
Clinical Validation of EnsoSleep AI Scoring
Fill out the form to get your copy of the 2021 EnsoSleep White Paper. In the document, you will find:
- EnsoSleep Clinical Validation Data compared to a 2/3 Majority Scoring Consensus
- New benchmarks for AI scoring, including performance for Sleep Staging, Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), Central Sleep Apnea (CSA), Hypopneas (HYP), Arousals, Limb Movements, Cheyne-Stokes Respiration (CSE), and Periodic Breathing Episodes (PBE)
- Plus new statistical analyses of the varying AHI groups, including: Normative, Mild, Moderate, and Severe OSA categories for overall AHI and AHI during REM periods
- An Introduction to the EnsoTST, a PPG-based total sleep time for home sleep testing devices
- And your first glimpse at EnsoViewer, an interoperable, intuitive platform where you can view, edit, and generate reports all from a web-based user-friendly experience
But for the how we did it, you’ll have to dive in to learn more.
Download the White Paper
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Accelerate the identification, diagnosis, and treatment of sleep-disordered breathing events with accurate, cost-effective, AI-driven analysis of photoplethysmogram (PPG) signals captured by pulse oximeters.
EnsoSleep is FDA cleared PSG and HSAT scoring and study management that optimizes the sleep lab workflow. Powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI), EnsoSleep provides clinicians with one cloud-based platform for viewing, scoring, editing, and reporting of sleep studies.